Don't get caught out - a list of all the national public holidays of Portugal

Public Holidays

In Portugal a Public Holiday takes place on the stated day.   It is not carried over to the next working day

New Year’s Day

1 January

The first day of the Gregorian year and commonly seen as a day for new starts and resolutions

Good Friday

A Christian holiday commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus at Calvary

Easter Sunday

Commemorating the resurrection of Jesus

Liberation Day

25 April

Celebrating the Carnation Revolution when a military coup in Lisbon overthrew the Estado Novo regime

The name comes from the fact that almost no shots were fired during the coup and carnations were given to soldiers when the population celebrated the end of the dictarotshiop and took to the streets

Labour Day

1 May

Celebrated since 1890 and also known as May Day this public holidays focuses on – “Workers Day of International Unity and Solidarity.”

Corpus Christi

3 June

Celebrated since  1264 the feast of Corpus Christi signifies lthe real presence of the body (corpus) of Jesus Christ

National Day

10 June

Portugal Day or officially the Day of Portugal, Camões, and the Portuguese Communities is celebrated by the Portuguese worldwide and commemorates the death of Luis de Camões, a poet and national literary icon

Assumption of Mary

15 August

At the end of her life Mary was taken, both in body and soul, into heaven to live with her son Jesus Christ for eternity

Proclamation of the Republic

5 October

The 1910 revolution was the overthrow of the Portuguese Monarchy which had existed for centuries and its replacement by the First Portuguese Republic

Lagos Day

27 October

Each area of the Algave has its own special day and this is the one for Lagos